Western Montana embodies the phrase "the last best place," making it the perfect place to call home. We believe in strong communities, trust among partners, a neighborhood with a proud history, community development, and collaboration.
Welcome to Montana’s Bitterroot Valley – from the Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce. Home to Montana’s best “Small Towns and Big Adventures”, from the Bitterroot River to Selway Bitterroot Wilderness – come experience the Best of Montana.
Visit the bitterroot valley chamber of commerce to discover more about the beautiful bitterroot valley
Founded in 1982, the 90 acre Big Sky Horse Park (BSHP, formerly “Missoula Equestrian Park”) is bordered by a 1.7 mile perimeter trail, which acts as a boundary for the facility’s many features.
THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION MISSION:Ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.
The Seeley Lake Community Foundation strengthens Seeley Lake while keeping it special.
So you're ready to visit Montana? Be sure to not miss the vibrant and charming small town of Seeley Lake!